Welcome to the Future of Selling.

By combining cutting-edge neuroscience and Conversational Intelligence®, Stephanie introduces innovative sales techniques designed for the 21st century.

Taking Sales Psychology to New Heights

It has been scientifically proven that chemicals are released in the brain of the buyer during a sales conversation that either foster trust, or breed distrust.

In this course, Stephanie will teach you how to leverage this knowledge to become a more captivating storyteller that closes more deals more often.

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The Neuroscience Selling Video Course

Powered by Conversational Intelligence®

Sales has evolved, and so sales training must evolve with it. Stephanie Chung’s “Neuroscience Selling” merges time-tested strategies with the latest advancements in neuroscience, promising a significant improvement in sales performance.

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Through Neuroscience Selling, you’ll become adept at:

Through Neuroscience Selling, you’ll become adept at:

Building Rapport & Trust

Actively Listening

Asking Targeted Questions

Selling Through Storytelling

Handling Objections

Closing The Sale

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