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What’s Keeping Sales Leaders Up At Night?

The pace and competition within the sales industry never lets up. Sales pros and team leaders may have reached their quarterly quota a month early and their minds immediately flash forward to the next sales quarter goals. The breakneck speed of a successful salesperson can lead to stress and self-doubt when you encounter new challenges, some of which may be completely out of your control. Below are four scenarios that you need to watch out because if these issues are not addressed, they could lead to some sleepless nights and lost sales.

Competitive Pricing

Sales professionals should constantly study their competitors and determine whether your product/service is being offered elsewhere at a better price and/or with more flexible financing options. Its difficult to stay a step ahead in the sales race if you miss the starting gun.

Obsolete Product Offering

Getting undersold by your sales nemesis is one thing, but it can be downright disastrous if your product/service is outdated and obsolete. Keep a close relationship with your company’s product management team to ensure you know when the next thing big thing will be ready for sale.

Ineffective Sales Pitching/Techniques

A new product offering is much less effective when paired with a stale sales pitch. Conduct a candid self-assessment of the trusted sales messaging you’ve used to close the deal in the past and compare notes with your colleagues to find some new best practices that customers are responding to in a positive way.

Limited Ceiling for Growth

A successful sales pro keeps close tabs on how much potential growth exists within their current role and/or company. Now could be the perfect time to test the market for a better chance at a promotion and increased compensation. This might also mark your chance to expand your skill set to make yourself more attractive and marketable to a new firm.

The main theme that all of these situations have in common is preparation. The more advanced planning and time you put into your professional sales career, the more flexibility you will have when one or all four of these scenarios tries to block your career path. If you’re ready to take your sales techniques to the next level, contact Stephanie Chung at info@stephaniechung.com.

Stephanie Chung is a business coach, trainer and advisor backed by more than 25 years of executive team management, business development, and sales leadership experience. She counsels executives and small businesses in a diverse array of strategies and tactics and she is an expert in creating kick-butt salespeople.