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Selling For the Non-Sales Person

Let’s face it, “sales” has developed a bad connotation. You hear the word and you cringe—especially if you’re someone that doesn’t consider yourself a “sales person.” But I’m here to drag this term out of the mud because the truth is, you need a grasp on selling! You might be saying to yourself, “Stephanie, I’m not a sales person. I’m a professional.” Okay, okay. I hear you. But keep reading, because these “sales skills” are crucial in establishing your business and gaining clientele. Believe me.

  1. Change your thinking

First things first—change your mindset about what “sales” means. Our automatic description of a sales person is typically untrustworthy, inauthentic, and out for themselves. But these ideas are outdated. Today, anyone who is successful in selling knows the “trick” is to actually believe in your product and find clients who will benefit from what you have to offer. Rewire your thinking: “sales” isn’t a dirty word.

  1. Throw out the sales talk.

This is so important, ya’ll. In today’s world, the old tactics just don’t cut it. Your future clients can see through the sales-y jargon and they’re not impressed. In fact, this is probably one of the first things that will turn a prospect away. Instead, be conversational and genuine with your prospects. Show your passion and your belief in your product or service, and this will make them believe in it too! And most importantly, seek to understand them. Get to know your prospects unique needs and goals by asking them questions. Trust me on this one: trying to sell your services to them immediately isn’t going to work.

  1. Know who to disqualify

Not every prospect you talk to is going to want your services and that’s okay. It’s essential to learn how to weed out who needs what you have to offer and who doesn’t, so you’re not wasting your time. Know what questions to ask and what conversations to have right off the bat so that you can disqualify people who just aren’t a right fit for your services. That way, you have more time finding clients who are.

  1. Tell a story

You’ve found a potential client who is a perfect fit for what you’re selling. Now what? Instead of giving a rehearsed presentation about your product or service, offer them a story. Tell them about a situation with another client where your services helped them to achieve similar goals. Show them, through storytelling, how it’s going to work for them too.

  1. Ask!

This one seems obvious or simple, but most people are scared to actually ask their prospect to buy what they’re offering! They think it feels wrong. Here’s the thing—your prospect already knows why you’re talking to them. They know that you want to sell. If they’re still having the conversation, they’re at least interested. Present them with the opportunity to buy. Deliver the question with a smile and with the confidence that they’re going to say “yes.” If you’re sincere and deliver what you promise, you should have no reason to feel bad about asking. You’re offering something that is going to help them achieve their goals and overcome their challenges!

  1. Help your clients help you

Your current clients can be your ticket to new clients if you just tell them how they can help! This can be through passing along your business cards, asking them to write social media reviews, or seeing if they’re willing to introduce you to people they know who would also benefit from what you’re offering. You’d be surprised how many people will be willing to help when they’re satisfied with their results and believe in your product as much as you do. And gaining clients this way is much more effective than cold leads!